Barbara Honigmann
1949 East-Berlin – lives in Strasbourg
Foremost known as author. Paints since 1976. Emigrated from East Berlin to Strasbourg in 1984. Numerous awards for her literary work. Among many: others Kleist-Prize, Berlin 2000 and Max-Frisch-Prize by the city of Zurich, 2011. Exhibitions at Galerie Michael Hasenclever, Munich 1992, 1997, 2002 (catalogues), Brecht-Haus, Berlin 2000, Barbara Honigmann International Conference (Literature and Painting) at Hebrew University, Jerusalem 2011.
Recommended literature: Amir Eshel, Yfaat Weiss, Kurz hinter der Wahrheit und dicht neben der Lüge. Zum Werk Barbara Honigmanns, Munich 2013.